Weather patterns

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In some areas the persistence method works really well. This method is based on the assumption that the weather won't change much from day to day. Although that may be true in some parts of the country, it may not be true where you live.

The trends method may be more accurate in forecasting the weather. This method relies on knowing what the weather is like in other parts of the world and the direction in which that weather system is moving. For example cold fronts usually move at an average speed of 20 mph and in the United States arrive from the North West. So if there is a cold front approaching and it is now 250 miles away, how long will it take to get to you? [12.5 hours]

In order to use these methods you need to follow the local weather patterns where you live, what time the sun rises and sets, and how to read a weather map.

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Last Updated: 07/07/05