Stratus Clouds

Up Cirrus clouds Cumulus clouds Stratus Clouds


Stratus clouds are sheet-like and layered. Stratus is from the Latin stratus, which means stretched out or extended. They cause dull overcast days and may mean drizzle or light snow.
Altostratus are gray clouds that stretch across the sky. They sun may or may not be seen through them. Thin layers may form with no change in the weather, however thicker layers indicate rain or snow over a wide area within 48 hours.


Nimbostratus are dark gray clouds that produce rain or snow that lasts a long time, perhaps all day or even a few days.
Stratocumulus clouds are thick clouds that cover the sky. Normally do not signify a change in weather, but occasionally  may darken and produce precipitation.



Last Updated: 07/07/05